
Showing posts with the label Batida

Nídia & Valentina Magaletti - Estradas (2024)

Estradas  is a collaborative album that merges Nídia's Afro-Portuguese batida rhythms with Valentina Magaletti's avant-garde percussion. The album's title, meaning "roads" in Portuguese, reflects the convergence of their diverse musical paths. Tracks like "Mata" showcase intricate polyrhythms, with congas, bongos, and synths interweaving unpredictably, highlighting the duo's dynamic interplay. The production, handled by Tom Halstead, ensures each instrument is meticulously mic'd and given space, resulting in a rich, ensemble-oriented sound. While some experimental elements may render the album's structure eclectic, the fusion of electronic and acoustic textures offers a fresh take on dance music, making  Estradas  a compelling listen for those seeking innovative rhythmic explorations. ( pitchfork .com   ra .co   crackmagazine .net ) Genre : Batida Country : Portugal/Italy Final Verdict: 58% (Forgettable Album) Yearly Ranking: 781th / 921 Hi...