
Showing posts with the label Electro Rock

Rinôçérôse - Psychôanalysis (2024)

Rinôçérôse’s Psychôanalysis continues their tradition of fusing electronic dance music with rock and funk elements. Produced by Vincent Leibovitz, the album features a mix of groovy, guitar-heavy tracks with electronic beats, creating a dynamic, high-energy sound. Guest vocalists like Benjamin Diamond and Izzy Lindqwister add to the eclectic nature of the album, which explores both nostalgic and innovative sonic landscapes. Tracks like "Awake" showcase their signature blend of house-infused rock, making Psychôanalysis a lively addition to the French touch scene​ AllMusic   Forced Exposure   Apple Music - Web Player   Wikipedia . Genre : Electro Rock Country : France Final Verdict: 65% (Good Album) Yearly Ranking: 248th / 751 Highlight : Teenage Hormonal Revolution Made me think of: Air Cassius Phoenix #newalbum #newalbum2024 #albumrelease #newmusic #albumoftheday #nowspinning #NowPlaying #musicdiscovery #ElectroRock #Rinôçérôse #France #LP #Album #release